
BMW 740 Ninja 650 Other Stuff Contact Page FAQ & Legal

Enjoy, and remember ALWAYS work safe and I assume NO RESPONSIBILTY for your actions, mechanical abilities or anything that may occur during the nature of any repair.

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Ninja 650

Listed below are links with descriptions and photos for all the repairs, maintenance and modifications I've personally done to date on my 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 650R.  If you have any questions please feel free to utilize the ''Contact Page''.  Please note that some of the links below contain very lengthy descriptions with a lot of photos, so you may want to get a beverage and throw on your reading glasses before you get started.

Because this bike is new I've really only been modding the bike and keeping up with general maintenance, but I'll update the site as things come up and mods happen, so check back when you can.  If you don't see what you need listed below feel free to ask me if I have information on it, because chances are I do or I can get you the information.

"New" means just that, it's new material I have recently posted.  "Updated" or "Update Reported" means I have added something to the write-up, generally this will be how the car is running, if I have experienced any problems with the repair and so on.

Maintenance / Repairs: Modifications:
Manuals / Part Diagrams: Miscellaneous / Photos:

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Disclaimer: Not for distribution, redistribution, sale, re-sale or otherwise without my written consent.  You do have consent to link back to any page on this site that may assist individuals.  This information is presented with no liability or guarantee expressed or implied, work at your own risk.